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This page will run through the Physical Geography resources from plate techtonics to glaciers.

The resources will be available to download at the bottom of the page.

Physical Geography

Aimed for KS3-KS4

Plate Tectonics

Radioactive decay in the core of the earth causes convection currents in the mantle. 

True or False?

Metamorphic rocks forms when magma rises to the surface, which then cools and solidifies.

True or False?

The oceanic plate is less dense than the contintal plate.

True or False?

Volcanic eruptions may be caused 

by magma rising through cracks in 

the continental crust, causing

pressure to build up.

True or False?

Plate Tectonics true or false

Read through the materials and determine whether the question is true or false. The word document has 7 more questions to challenge your knowledge in. 

When you're done answering, you can check your answers using the answers word document!

Accessible with the          at the bottom of the page!

Constructive & Destructive Waves

Constructive waves have a strong swash and a weak backwash. The wave swash flows up to the beach which brings sediment with it.

Destructive waves have a weak swash and a strong backwash. They are created in stormy conditions and erode the coast.

Constructive Waves

- Strong swash

- Weak backwash

- Low waves

- Further apart

- Swash adds more sediment than the backwash takes away

Destructive Waves

- Weak swash

- Strong backwash

- Steeper waves

- Closer together

- Backwash takes away more sediment than the wash adds

Constructive & Destructive Waves

Read through the materials and understand how waves affects our beaches.

More information about waves can be found in the powerpoint document at the bottom of the page!

Accessible with the          at the bottom of the page!


Glaciers form over many years where the snow has fallen by not melted. It has two zones:

1. Zone of accumulation 

2. Zone of ablation

Zone of accumulation 

The zone where the snow is added which is located on the top.

Zone of abalation

The zone where the ice may

melt by the end of the glacier and occurs in warm weather.

Glaciers - what are they?

Ice covers about 10% of the Earth's surface. It is found in the form of glaciers and ice sheets.

Glaciers are a large mass of ice often shaped like a river and flows very slowly.

Ice sheets are a thick layer of ice that covers the landscape including mountains and valleys.


Read through the materials and understand how Glaciers are formed!

Also make sure to test your knowledge by going through the quiz below. Answers will be in the pdf document below it!

Accessible with the          at the bottom of the page!
Quiz Answers:            Also accessible below!

The Atmosphere

Earth's atmosphere consists of 5 main layers:

1. Troposphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Mesosphere

4. Thermosphere

5. Exosphere


This layers extends from the surface to around 10-15 km above the surface.


This layer sits above the troposphere extending from around 15-50km.


The middle layer of the atmosphere extending from 55 to 80km.


The layer between earth and space and it textends from 90 to 600km.


The outermost layer which is situated above 600 to 10,000 km above the surface.

Accessible with the          at the bottom of the page!


Read through the materials and understand the different layers that consists our atmosphere.

More information about the laters can be found by watching the powerpoint document at the bottom of the page or clicking the image below!

atmosphere image.png

Click the icons to download the files for offline work

Plate Tectonics true or false worksheet

Plate Techonics true or false worksheet answers

Constructive and destructive waves

The Atmosphere (Presentation) - PH Wong


Glaciers Quiz Answers

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